Friday, November 8, 2013

Distillation of Crude Oil

Distillation of crude oil is the first step in the refining of crude. It involves the separation of the crude oil into fractions and these fractions are mixtures containing hydrocarbon compounds whose boiling points lie within a specified range. Looking at it this way, because crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons with different boiling temperatures, it can be separated by distillation into groups of hydrocarbons that boil between specific boiling points.

Atmospheric distillation and vacuum distillation are two types of crude oil distillation performed in a refinery. Let’s look at how each of the distillation is performed:

Atmospheric Distillation of Crude Oil

This takes place in a distilling column at or near atmospheric pressure. The crude oil is heated to about 350 - 400oC and the vapor and liquid are piped into the distilling column. The liquid falls to the bottom and the vapor rises, passing through a series of perforated trays (sieve trays). Heavier hydrocarbons condense more quickly and settle on lower trays and lighter hydrocarbons remain as a vapor longer and condense on higher trays. 

Liquid fractions are drawn from the trays and removed. In this way the light gases, methane, ethane, propane and butane pass out the top of the column, petrol is formed in the top trays, kerosene and gas oils in the middle, and fuel oils at the bottom. Residue drawn of the bottom may be burned as fuel, processed into lubricating oils, waxes and bitumen or used as feedstock for cracking units.

Vacuum Distillation of Crude Oil

To recover additional heavy distillates from crude oil residue, it may be piped to a second distillation column where the process is repeated under vacuum, called vacuum distillation. This allows heavy hydrocarbons with boiling points of 450oC and higher to be separated without them partly cracking into unwanted products such as coke and gas. The heavy distillates recovered by vacuum distillation can be converted into lubricating oils by a variety of processes. The most common of these is called solvent extraction. 

In one version of this process the heavy distillate is washed with a liquid which does not dissolve in it but which dissolves (and so extracts) the non-lubricating oil components out of it. Another version uses a liquid which does not dissolve in it but which causes the non-lubricating oil components to precipitate (as an extract) from it.

Other processes exist which remove impurities by adsorption onto a highly porous solid or which remove any waxes that may be present by causing them to crystallize and precipitate out.

End-product of Crude Oil Distillation

End-product of crude oil distillation may be grouped into light distillates, middle distillates and heavy distillates. Now let’s look at each of them:

Light Distillates
  • Liquid petroleum gas (LPG)
  • Gasoline (also known as petrol)
  • Kerosene
  • Jet fuel

Middle Distillates

  • Diesel fuels
  • Residential heating fuel
  • Other light fuel oils

Heavy Distillates

  • Heavy fuel oils
  • Bunker fuel oil and other residual fuel oils

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